Monday 7 September 2015

Funfetti Cupcakes!

Something that I love doing is baking, however I do have to admit I'm not very good at it! However after seeing Zoella's video on her main channel, they seemed easy enough so I decided to give them a try and here's how they went: (I think they went okay!)
Funfetti Cupcakes with vanilla butter-cream... yum! The little sprinkles melt to create little pockets of colour!

1. Cake:
-125g caster sugar
-125g self raising flour
-2 large free range eggs
-125g unsalted butter (room temperature if possible)
-1/4 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda                    
-1 1/2 tablespoon of milk
-1/4 teaposoon on vanilla extract

2. Butter-cream icing:
-335g icing sugar
-150g unsalted butter (room temperature if possible)
-1-2 tablespoons of milk
-1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract

Also... piping bags and nozzles, as well as cupcake cases.

1. The first thing that I did was pre heat my oven to 170 degrees Celsius and put the cupcake cases into a tray so I was all prepared!

Cupcake: (Photos below instructions)
2. In a bowl mix your caster sugar and butter, you can either do this the hard way by using a wooden spoon or do it the easy way by using a whisk! After you have done that whisk together 2 of the eggs.

3. After that you want to add the milk, vanilla extract and whisk again.

4. That's all the wet ingredients mixed together, so now we are going to move onto the dry ingredients, so in a separate bowl I mixed together the self raising flour and bicarbonate of soda. Then you want to slowly mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. You want to slowly add the dry ingredients so help everything mix together properly and there is no lumps!

5. After all the dry and wet ingredients are mixed together its time to add your sprinkles! This is completely up to you... you can add as many or as little as you went depending on how much colour you want. In the oven the sprinkles will melt and there will be little bursts of colour... I decided to add the whole tube!

You then want to scoop the mixture into your cupcake cases and place into the pre heated oven for around 20 minutes until they are lightly golden and have a little bounce to them when you touch them!

Butter-cream icing:
While your cakes are in the oven this is the perfect time to start making your icing.

1. You want to mix the butter for a little while until it is pale, this will make it much softer and much easier for the icing sugar to blend in with the butter.

After you have got that consistency...
2. You want to slowly add your icing sugar again in small sections and whisk together until smooth, keep on doing this process until all of your icing sugar has been mixed into the butter!

3. Then if it is a little thick add the milk, then finally you want to add the vanilla extract to give it some taste!
-By now your cupcakes should have cooked, and they should be cooling down. This is super important... you must leave your cupcakes to completely cool! I know... its difficult! If you don't leave them that beautiful butter-cream icing you made will just melt over the top!

4. In the mean time why don't you place you butter-cream icing into your piping bag so you are all set to ice the cupcakes!

5. Start Icing! How you ice them is completely up to you... you could do swirls, dots, cross-hatch... whatever takes your fancy! Now to be honest I was completely rubbish at this, and they didn't look the best!

My final cupcake:
Even though they didn't look the best... I have got to say they tasted delicious! Now why not try and do them for yourself, they are super fun and easy to make, and if I'm honest, if I can make them so can you! Plus I didn't realise that I used sour sprinkles! But... I have got to say I think it made the cake taste even nicer!

Thank you all so much for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day! Let me know in the comments below if you are any good at baking, and if so what do you love to bake? Or what is your favourite cake! See you all soon.

Chloe x

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