Saturday 5 September 2015

Fear Of Driving :(!

I hope you are all doing well! Today I thought I would share something that has been on my mind for a long time, and I literally mean almost everyday... I have a complete hate and fear for driving and it sucks!

I passed my test well over a year ago (I know not very long). I used to love driving, I'd offer to drive my friends places, or I'd just pop to the shop. It made my life so much easier, but then all of a sudden it all stopped and I'd dread the next time I had to drive somewhere. I have always been an anxious driver right from my lessons, and I used to cope with it well but all of a sudden it's stopping me driving, and I try to tell myself 'I'll be fine' 'You're a good little driver' but nothing seems to help!

I cannot pinpoint this on one exact thing to be precise, I am literally just terrified! I hate the fact that there are hundreds of people going past me while I drive, staring at me and judging me because of my driving, when I'm literally not doing anything wrong. The thought of stopping at a roundabout and stalling and people laughing and staring at me petrifies me. I literally do not want to be noticed at all, it makes me so nervous!

Everyone has been telling me: 'you just need practice, you need experience' but I would go out there and get some experience of driving if I had the confidence... I'm too scared to even start to contemplate getting in a car again.

I have literally gotten to the point where I could drive to my friends however I back out and choose not too and spend money on bus and train tickets where there is a car sitting around not going anywhere!

It literally sucks, and I have no clue how to get around this, so if anyone is out there who feels the same, or has been and overcome this please leave a comment or get in contact with me on my google plus, it would be appreciated because I really want to enjoy driving again :(.

Thank you for reading, sorry it wasn't an uplifiting post! However, I shall speak to you soon!

Chloe x

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