Saturday 10 October 2015

Mental Health Awareness Day...

Hope you are all having a fabulous weekend!

World mental health day falls every year on October 10th. The stigma around mental health is still around which is such a shame, and educating and making people aware about mental health issues is so important... which is why I am making this post today and why this day exists. This year they are focusing on dignity for people who have mental health problems (right training, make sure they have human rights and respect and informed consent).

A little bit of background from me, I have suffered with mental health issues, mainly revolving around anxiety and panic attacks. It has had such an impact on my life that raising awareness has become important to me. So many people are unaware and don't understand the complex needs of people with mental health issues. My future career path will be in mental health nursing too, helping and supporting people with these difficulties.

Mental health:
Around 1 in 4 people have a mental health condition. So many people suffer yet so many people don't understand. They are no different to us, they are still human beings they just have barriers facing them in their every day life that they cannot control and they shouldn't be treated any differently to any other person going about their everyday life. Mental health is just as important as physical health. even though you cant see it, it's still there and exists and needs just as much attention and care as a physical problem.

I once had a discussion/argument with someone. They stated that someone with a mental health condition isn't as bad as physical health condition. This is what we need to decrease. For example he stated that you would give up your seat on a bus with someone with a broken leg but you wouldn't with a person suffering from a mental health condition. Yes it's true because they have specific needs... however... someone with mental health conditions might not be able to get on that bus. They have different problems that needs looking at differently. But everyone is equal human beings. I eventually gave up arguing against this person because they were so ignorant and couldn't see the importance of mental health and how they were equal everyone else. People like this need educating and need to understand that everyone is the same and is the reason why there are mental health awareness days.

There is so much stigma around mental health... once you are diagnosed you are stuck with a label that society puts you under... for example 'schizophrenic' 'bipolar', they are seen differently but they shouldn't be. People automatically see you as someone different, someone who is dangerous, but we are not. This is what needs reducing because people will become afraid to come to terms with their conditions because of society and being placed under a label. its just not right.

Mental health matters.

Just raising a small amount of awareness can help everyone, it allows people to become more aware of mental health conditions and reduce the stigma that is attached with it.

If you know anyone suffering, or if you yourself are suffering please seek out for help. It's the best decision you will ever make. Trust me. There are so many people you can talk to, for example professionals (like GP, counsellor) or parents or teachers or friends.
There is also helplines that can help you - here is a link to NHS which gives you a huge list of organisations that can help: click here.

Remember you are not alone. Speak to you all very soon.

Chloe x

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