Wednesday 15 July 2015

Malaga Part 2!

This will now be the second part of my trip to Mlaga with my friends. To check out the first few days of my holiday go ahead and read my previous post to understand and be up to date :).

Day 3 = Monday 6th July.
This was was a bag of mixed emotions! The day started of with me feeling incredibly sick and dizzy which I had to sleep off until midday. I simply thought it was heat exhaustion so I stayed out of the sun while the other sunbathed. Without knowing the temperate reached up to 40 degrees that day... so so so hot, at times it was lovely... however at others it was unbearable It then came to 1:20pm... the time for the activity of the day... parasailing... I was absolutely petrified! If you ever go to Fuengirola go and check out Pirate Parasialing in the Port, they are so friendly and welcoming and the overall experience was brilliant... a must do experience! Because i was so ill they took us out on our own so I only had to fear a boat ride for 15 minutes,,, they also gave me a sickness tablet to help with the sea sickness. After that we then went back to the beach where we slept some more and relaxed before going to get changed and eat. Monday night I was really ill again so unfortunately I couldn't go out for the night so I ended up sleeping for 14 hours :( while the others went off to the nightclubs.

Day 4 = Tuesday 7th July
I woke up feeling worse for wear and pretty crap. Apart from venturing out early to see the sunrise nothing else really it was another beach day where we relaxed and slept some more and went in and out of the sea and just overall didn't do much... simply that was our holiday, doing nothing to relax... just what I needed! I then fell even worse so I went back to to the hotel and had a shower and got ready for tea where I ate another pizza while the others had an Indian. We then packed while the others were getting ready for the night out as I was feeling too ill. The early hours of the next morning went incredibly down hill...

Day 5 - Wednesday 8th July 
Its early hours of the morning where it all went wrong, I was so ill I couldn't walk, sit or lie down so I literally led on the floor in the dark while my friends called a doctor. The doctor then examined me... he told me I didn't need to worry but I needed to go to hospital...No! So an ambulance was called and 2 paramedics came to collect me and took me to the ambulance where one of my friends joined me. They took my blood and blood pressure and then it was a scary and long ride to the hospital. Once there I got checked in and then sat in the wheelchair until being seen by a doctor where he did some more tests and told me I had vertigo (BPPV).. Which makes one feel dizzy and unbalanced due to something happening in the inner ear, I honestly had to hold fully onto a doctor or paramedic to literally walk me anywhere... thankfully there were wheelchairs! I then had to leave my friend (scared) to be hooked up to some medication which would stop me feeling sick and reduce feeling dizzy. 5 different medications and half an hour later I was happy as larry and free to go! They put me on medication for the next three days and to be honest I haven't felt right since! This had to happen on the last day where I had to fly later that night... thankfully I was discharged with nothing too serious otherwise I would have been stranded!

By the time I got back to the hotel it was 3am so it was time to sleep! A few hours later I woke up feeling a little worse for wear and got some breakfast. We all then went for a walk up and down the beach... but it was simply way too hot so we stayed in the hotel for the rest of the day :( We had to check out at 11 so there was no set room for us... the hotel lobby it was! After getting fresh and clean with a wash we caught the transfer to the hotel at 7-15pm to catch out flight to home, Everything went smoothly on the way home... safe flight and medication stopped me feeling sick. That day was very stressful but my friends helped me get through it!

Thankyou so much for reading this little part one and part 2 of my trip to Malaga,,, were already planning our next trip away for next summer... exciting (hopefully everyone can make it next year)!! The holiday was an amazing experience and if you can go, do it, you wont regret it, I got to go with 2 amazing friends and loved it, just have to step out of your comfort zone! I will see you soon with another post!

Chloe x

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