Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Hello! Welcome back, It's another year. I cannot believe how quickly 2014 has come and gone. So much has happened over the past year. I just wanted to say hope you all have had an amazing year in 2014 and I hope 2015 brings something spectacular for you. There is so much to look forward to so I thought why not review my year and explain my resolutions/goals for 2015!

So, 2014 what did it bring?
So many amazing things happened in 2014 as well as some that aren't so great, but lets focus on the positive things for now! Firstly I managed to pass my driving test, 8 months of hard work had paid off! Along with that I managed to pass my AS results which is giving me a good chance of getting into university, I also managed to visit one of the places I had always wanted it go which was Paris. The place was truly amazing and beautiful I wish I could just move out there! Most importantly this year has allowed friendships to grow stronger and allowed me to become closer to my family, this is something that I couldn't be more grateful and happy for, so many amazing memories were made and I will be able to cherish them forever!

So, 2015, what are my goals/resolutions? 
1. Drink more water - I drink no where near the amount that I should, this needs to change, hopefully it will improve my skin to some extent, (also by starting a new skincare routine).
2. Start and continue this blog. I wanted to add something else to my everyday life that wasn't just 'school work' so I've started this goal and will continue to do it throughout!
3. Keep healthy, I know this is what everyone says, but I've already started the gym by having a personal trainer I now need to keep healthy with the food I eat!
4. Get good grades, this is more of a goal, getting the grades means I can go to university, plus I'm working hard so hopefully it will all pay off.
5. Finally be more positive, instead of seeing the bad in everything I will be aiming to see the good in everything!

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you all have a wonderful day! Why not share something amazing that happened to you in 2014 and a new years resolution or goal that you might have for this year in the comments, hopefully I will see you next time!

Chloe x

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